The Parish Meeting has two main functions:

The first is financial; every year, as a part of your Council Tax, you make a payment called a Parish Precept, which is entrusted to the Parish Meeting to manage certain aspects of the village, such as insurance, grass cutting or maintenance.

The second function of the Parish Meeting is to act as a focal point for village issues or concerns such as planning, speeding or dog fouling. The meeting helps provide the community a voice.

The Parish Meeting Committee, elected at an Open Meeting on May 9th, 2022, is:

Chair:  Margaret O’Grady.
Vice-chair:  Peter O’Grady.
Responsible Financial Officer : Glenn Cargill.
Clerk: Judith Russell

On the web site, you can read the Parish Meeting Minutes and find other details, such as the accounts and the formal documents that govern the operation of the Parish Meeting. 

You can contact the Parish Meeting on

See Wikipedia for further information.