November 2018 Minutes

Notes from Fillingham Parish Meeting

Tuesday, 6th November 2018

1. In attendance: Margaret O’Grady (chair), Peter O’Grady (vice-chair), Cllr Roger Pattison, Vicky Cargill (ARFO), Dawn Greetham (clerk) and four parishioners.

2. Apologies for absence: Glen Cargill, PCSO Julie McFaul, Zoe Rampley, Sarah Overton.

3. Notices of interest: None

4. Minutes for approval of meeting dated 1st October 2018: The minutes were unanimously approved and signed.

5. Minutes arising from those minutes not covered in the meeting: It is anticipated that the junction alert sign located on the B1398 will repaired by the end of November.

6. Reports:

I. Police: There have been two incidents recorded on the Lincs Alert website. The first was a hazard light removed from a vehicle in Ridge View. The second was the theft of scrap metal from a garden on High Street. Both incidents occurred on 23rd October.

II. Finance reports on accounts: Full report was given to the meeting.

Parish Account: Invoice Paid for grass cutting £180.

Village Hall received Bookings total £14, £44.90 and a donation of £100 for hiring the hall for the building consultation. The Apple Day event raised £170. Utility bills paid, electric £48.84, Gas £15.41.

Accounts with the HSBC are now closed and the new accounts for the Parish and Village Hall with Lloyds are now active.

III. Budget proposal for raising the precept for 2019-20 financial year: A proposal has been put forward to raise the precept in increments over the next three years to take into account rising utility bills and maintenance for the village hall. This proposal was circulated to the Parish prior to the meeting. It is proposed to raise the Precept for 2019/20 financial year to £4021.00, after the consultation period, this proposal was agreed by the Parish and was proposed by Martin and seconded by Gwen. Margaret to complete the estimate form and return it to West Lindsey District Coun-cil.

IV. Village Hall Report: The PAT tests to the hall have been completed and all equip-ment passed. However, a EICR test is due (circuit board/sockets/lights) and a quote of £275 was received. Martin to investigate for a more favourable quote. A new supplier for gas and electricity is now in place. Dry lining to the hall may not be as advantageous as previously thought. Margaret to obtain quotes for secondary glazing. A quote for replacing the back door and repairing the kitchen window has been received for from Jupp-Fford for £816, this is to be considered.

V. Playground: Regular safety checks are carried out and there are no issues to re-port.

7. Correspondence: A planning application has been received (application no.138510) for a single and double extension to Blacksmiths Cottage in Chapel Lane. There is a 28 day pe-riod for any enquiries. All comments from the parish to be received by 15th November. An e-mail has been received from the editor of the Village Venture thanking the Parish for the flowers which were sent to thank her for work on behalf of the VV for the Parish. A letter has been received offering a first aid in the community course for interested parties.

8. Parish/district/county matters: Cllr Roger Pattison said the Travelodge in Gainsborough in now open. The street light on Rectory Lea and near the church are now repaired. How-ever, the light near the Old Rectory is faulty, Margaret has reported to Highways Job no. 4113668. A discussion following regarding the issue of speeding approaching and through the village. The possibility the community scheme for a hand-held radar was also dis-cussed, Nic suggested the different coloured passive speed signs. Margaret to make en-quiries with Community Speed Watch.

9. Any other business:

10. Date of next meeting: 3rd December 2018. – all dates for meetings next year are to be added to the Parish Website. Dates for diary: 1st December - Christmas Tree event.