November 2021 Minutes

Monday 1 November 2021 at Fillingham Village Hall

1.    In Attendance:  
Margaret O’Grady (Chair), Peter O’Grady (Vice-Chair), Glenn Cargill (RFO) and five parishioners.
2.    Apologies for absence:  PCSO Julie McFaul, Cllr Roger Patterson and five further parishioners.
3.    Declaration of Interest: None.
4.    Minutes of the last meeting - 4 October 2021 - unanimously approved and signed.
5.    Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere in the meeting:  None.
6.     Reports:
•    Police - PCSO Julie McFaul submitted an email report to the meeting. Police were aware of the incident of dog faeces smeared on dog bins in the village, however, since the request on Facebook for witnesses to come forward, there have been no further incidents. A big thank you to those who cleaned up the mess.
•    Finance - Glenn reported an income of £631 in October, which included the ticket sales for the December event and £146 raised at the apple day event. Invoices for the cutting of the grass have been received. Glenn explained that each year a maintenance budget is drawn up and often this underestimates the requirements. He proposed that we should reduce reliance on fundraising and plan for the precept to cover all costs within the next three years. The increase over the next three years was approved at the last meeting and the proposed precept for 2022-2023 was agreed at £5,222. A request will go to WLDC by 26 November with the full proposal to be submitted by 29 January.
•    Village Hall - The last weekly check to the playground was fine. The annual inspection will be undertaken by Wickstead in the week commencing 8 November.
•    Update on legal/land registry, /charity status: This is still ongoing.
7.    Correspondence
•    Temporary traffic restriction - TTRO/3596 footpath, reference 4165993, work to reconstruct the footpath on High Street, scheduled for 18-30 October. The Chair of the meeting had received notification of a delay and had followed up with the Highways Department. She was told that when the contractor met with Highways, it was agreed that the work required was much greater than anticipated and could not be completed in the scheduled period. The work is now planned for March 2022.
8.    Parish/District/County matters 
•    Parish Trust update - No further information available. The question of what will happen when the trust money runs out, was raised. This will be re-visited when funds reach a low point. 
•    Broadband update – Peter reported on the latest response, received on 29 October. Openreach wanted more information about the proposed undertaking of the excavation work to offset costs. They are indicating that it is likely that a physical survey will be required.
•    Solar Farm – The scale of the solar farm proposed by Cottam and West Burton Project was considered unacceptable and concern expressed that the proposed planning process undermines local democracy. The Company have indicated that plans are under development and these will be made available along with visits to parish meetings where requested. Following discussion, it was agreed that Fillingham should get together and work with other local villages to make a response to the Company. Margaret will approach parish clerks in the surrounding villages to ascertain their support. It was pointed out that the scale of the project is huge and bigger than anything else in Europe. Interested parties can get more information on the project from
•    Memorial bench – Margaret confirmed that the Slater family had chosen a bench and had asked who would secure it in place. The Parish agreed to undertake this work.
9.    Any other business
•    Queens Platinum Jubilee - Email received from LALC re the proposed lighting of beacons across the country as the opening event to be held at the beginning of June 2022. Further discussion at a future date.
•    Defibrillator – Glenn had picked up information from the Village Venture which may help with the cost and maintenance of the defibrillator. He will bring more information to the next meeting. 
•    Dates of events forthcoming events – Christmas Market 20 Nov, Christmas Event 28 Nov, Ian McMillan Event 3 Dec 

10.     Date of next meeting:  6 December 2021 at 7.30pm