April 2019 Minutes

Notes from Fillingham Parish Meeting

Monday, 1st April 2019

1. In attendance: Peter O’Grady (vice-chair), Glenn Cargill (RFO), Vicky Cargill (ARFO), Dawn Greetham (clerk) and seven parishioners.

2. Apologies for absence: PCSO Julie McFaul, Cllr Roger Pattison, Sarah Overton and Zoe Rampley.

3. Notices of Interest: None

4. Minutes for approval of meeting dated 4th March 2019: The minutes were approved with the following amendment: Good Friday is 19th April and not 15th March as stated in the minutes.

5. Matters arising from those minutes not covered in the meeting: (Margaret O’Grady joined the meeting at this point).

I. Village Hall Windows: The Parish had instructed the hall to have secondary glazing in-stalled. However, on inspection, the windows were found to be in a state of disrepair such that painting to the interior of the windows and fitting of secondary glazing was cancelled. An initial estimate of £15,000 has been given to replace the four windows to the front of the village hall (west elevation) and the two tall windows (south elevation). It was agreed that a parishioner will pursue grants to raise the money to replace the win-dows. Igas have indicated the existing grant money for Village Hall improvements may be used for this purpose. Further advice and permission will be sought from the Listed Buildings department of West Lindsey District Council in parallel to fund raising.

II. Great British Spring Clean 6th April 2019: Margaret requested that parishioners bring buckets. Margaret has divided the village into zones to be allocated on the day.

6. Reports:

I. Police: PCSO Julie McFaul sent her apologies but advised there was nothing to report.

II. Finance: Glenn gave the meeting a verbal report stating the position of the accounts. The annual precept has been received to the Parish Account.

£200.50 received from events/hall hire, into the Village Hall account

Payments made: Water bill - £53.21, Newells (boiler repair) - £366.00. LALC member-ship - £37.30. Replacement Defib pad £100.80. Margaret returned £16.87 from the petty cash for money not spent for the 2018/19 financial year. It was proposed by Glenn and seconded by Martin that Margaret receive £100 to cover petty cash for 2019/20 fi-nancial year.

It was proposed by Judith and seconded by Peri that Michael Rose be appointed to carry out the internal audit of the accounts as a part of the Annual Governance and Ac-countability Returns (AGAR) process.

III. Village Hall Report: Secondary glazing to the windows has been stopped and addi-tional funds are being sought to replace or repair the windows. It was decided to con-tinue to paint the hall walls as it is not yet known when work on the windows will be completed.

IV. Playground: Regular checks are being carried out and there are no issues at present.

7. Correspondence:

I. Invoices have been paid as stated in the finance report.

II. Email received starting the annual process for financial audit (AGAR)

8. Any other business:

I. A parishioner said that a chestnut tree on the village green has died and enquired about a replacement. It was agreed to inspect the trees at the clean-up day on 6th April.

II. There will be an Easter event on Good Friday,19th April in the hall.

III. Work has recently finished on Fillingham Castle Gatehouse and William Rose has of-fered to make arrangements for a visit should there be interest in the Parish. It was agreed to accept William’s kind offer and identify a date.

IV. Dog fouling in the village was again discussed with some growing frustration that fouling continues to persist. Further measures to combat this were discussed, including the feasibility of using cameras.

9. Date of next meeting: 13th May 2019 (This will be the AGM)