October 2019 Minutes


Monday, 7th October 2019 7.30

Fillingham Village Hall

1. In attendance: Margaret O’Grady (Chair), Glenn Cargill, (Vicky Cargill (ARFO),  Dawn Greetham (Clerk) and two parishioners.

2. Apologies for absence: Peter O’Grady, Peri Hepburn

3. Notices of Interest: None.

4. Minutes for approval meeting 2nd September: The minutes were unanimously approved and signed.

5. Matters arising from those minutes not covered elsewhere in the meeting:

I. Village H all windows: Planning required photographs and an outline of the layout of the village hall with the location of the windows indicated. Judith and Glen n to look towards applications for funding the refurbishments.

II. Short mat bowls and cabinet: The mat is to be sold and the best means of this is to be considered, it may be worth approach ing local clubs with a view to selling the bowls and cabinet.

6. Reports:

I. Police: No report to date.

II. Finance: Grass cutting £210 and water bill £ The budget proposal for the year 2020/21 to be increased in line with the three year plan. Therefore, it is proposed to apply for a precept of £4401.00 for the financial year 2020/21. This proposal will be brought to the November meeting. The Precept E stimate is to be return ed by 29th November 2019 and the final return will be submitted for 29th January 2020.

III. Village Hall Report: The boiler will be serviced on 11th October. An application for grant funding to replace the boiler has been made to Screwfix.

IV. Playground: Regula r playground inspections have been carried out.

7. Correspondence: Invoices received as per Finance Report.

8. Parish/District/county matters:

I. Streetlight 008 (Village Green) reported as not working 16/09/19 Fault number 4131679. Streetlight now repaired.

II. Queried footpath High Street fault number 2100394. This has been reported again and will be followed up.

9. Any other business: It was proposed that the Parish purchase a “tap and go” facility to make payments easier at Parish events. This was unanimously ag reed and Glenn will investigate and purchase the software. The meeting also discussed the use of single use plastics for events. The upcoming Christmas Market was also discussed.

10  Date of next meeting: Monday, 4th November.