June 2019 Minutes
Notes from Fillingham Parish Meeting
Monday 3rd June 2019
7.30pm Fillingham Village Hall
1. In attendance: Margaret O’Grady (Chair), Peter O’Grady (Vice-Chair), Glenn Cargill (RFO), Vicky Cargill (ARFO), Cllr Roger Pattison, Dawn Greetham (clerk) and five parishioners.
2. Apologies for absence: Zoe Rampley, Alan Baldwin, Alison Baldwin, PCSO Julie McFaul.
3. Notices of interest: None
4. Minutes for approval, meeting 13th May 2019: Minutes unanimously approved and signed.
5. Matters rising from those minutes not covered elsewhere in the meeting:
a) Village Hall windows: The Parish is in the process of completing the necessary forms to apply for planning permission to replace the windows. The windows have been fixed temporarily with resin.
b) Japanese Knotweed: Margaret has obtained two quotes from approved providers to treat the Japanese Knotweed that is growing near the horse chestnut tree on the vil-lage green. It was agreed that AWS Landscapes Ltd. be contacted to commence treat-ment, at a cost of £250 per year. It was also agreed to get the optional Insurance backed guarantee at £100.
c) Plastic-free Fillingham: Dawn asked the Parish if they would be willing to endeavour to make Fillingham a plastic-free village. Dawn explained what this would entail and it was agreed that Fillingham would undertake to use as little single-use plastic as possi-ble in any village events. Peter also explained the requirements to obtain “plastic-free” status for the village. Interest has been expressed and this will be discussed at further meetings.
6. Reports:
I. Police: There are no incidents to report.
II. Finance: Report on accounts and statutory Annual Governance information were provided:
a) The Governance Statement was brought to the meeting and approved for the financial year ending 31st March 2019.
b) The Accounting Statements were brought to the meeting and approved for the financial year ending 31st March 2019.
c) The Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) documentation will now be sent to the external auditor and published on the Parish Meeting website as required.
d) Thanks were expressed to Michael Rose for the Internal Audit and to Glenn Cargill and Peter O’Grady for their work on the AGAR.
e) Glenn explained that the precept will need to be increased in three yearly increments to keep up with the costs incurred in village hall maintenance.
f) Insurance: The insurance for 2019 is due for renewal with Zurich on the 17.7.2019 to the sum of £871.11. It was agreed that this be paid.
III. Village Hall reports: The boiler is faulty and it was agreed that a new boiler is required ra-ther than paying for a temporary repair. Quotes for a new boiler will be investigated. A tile has come off the roof and Paul Jupp has been asked to replace it. It was agreed that twenty chairs will be purchased from Sturton village hall to replace the broken chairs. The Lincs Community Building Survey has been completed. The outer casing to the defibrillator is broken and a replacement is being sought.
7. Playground: The problem with bird fouling in the swing area was discussed. Unfortunately, health and safety will not permit attaching any deterrent to the playground equipment to stop the fouling. The 2019 annual inspection is due shortly and it was agreed that Wickstead be au-thorized to carry out an unaccompanied inspection of the playground at a cost of £45.
8. Correspondence:
I. Invoices received: Grass cutting: £285
II. Planning application amendment to vary condition 8 of planning permission M02/P/0878 land adjacent to Goldsmithney House, Lake Road. No comment to be made from the Par-ish, per the discussion.
8. Parish/District/County matters: Roger is experiencing IT issues and is therefore unable to update the Parish at this time.
9. Any other business: There is a Vintage Tea in the hall on Saturday, 8th June. There will be a market on 13th July and the village fete will be on 24th August. S. Overton asked if it would be feasible for the Parish to undertake/assist with the cost of grass cutting and strimming in the churchyard. Quotes will be obtained to assess the cost.
10. Date of next meeting: 1st July 2019.