July 2019 Minutes
Notes from Fillingham Parish Meeting
Monday, 1st July 2019
7.30pm Fillingham Village Hall
1. In attendance: Margaret O’Grady (chair), Glenn Cargill (RFO), Vicky Cargill (ARFO), Dawn Greetham (clerk) and six parishioners.
2. Apologies for absence: Peter O’Grady, PCSO Julie McFaul, Cllr Roger Pattison, Sarah Overton and Zoe Rampley.
3. Notices of interest: None.
4. Minutes for approval meeting 3rd June: The minutes were unanimously approved and signed.
5. Matters arising from those minutes not covered elsewhere in the meeting:
a) Village Hall windows. The windows are still awaiting repair. Funding is being sought to cover costs. Judith will prepare a proposal for application for funding to repair the boiler. The slate on the roof has been replaced.
b) Japanese Knotweed. The first treatment has been undertaken and a report is to be sent.
6. Reports:
I. Police: There are no incidents to report.
II. Finance: The insurance has been paid in the sum of £8711. Glenn is querying why British Gas have taken two payments this month. To date £450 has been raised through fundrais-ing. Payment has been made to Heathers’ Property service for grass cutting.
III. Village Hall: There are three quotes to replace the boiler, British Gas £3,000 and further two quotes of £2,700 and £2,600. There is a possibility of funding from Screwfix.
IV. Playground: The problem with bird fouling seems to be less. Margaret to chase replace-ment case for the defibrillator. Margaret has contracted Wickstead for the annual inspec-tion which is due in approximately eight weeks.
7. Correspondence: A letter has been received from Community Links informing the Parish that is now linked with YMCA.
8. Parish/District/county matters: A further planning application (139613) has been received for the building behind Goldsmithey House, Lake Road. No comment to be made from the Par-ish. A new minute book has been started.
9. Any other business: A Parishioner noted that the gate the village green swings outwards, it is to be assessed whether this intrudes onto the road.
10. Date of next meeting: There is no meeting in August. Next Meeting 2nd September 2019. The Fillingham Saturday market is on 13th July at 10am and the fete is on 24th August.