November 2019 Minutes


Monday, 4th November 2019 7.30pm

Fillingham Village Hall

1. In Attendance: Margaret O’Grady (Chair), Glenn Cargill (RFO), Vicky Cargill (ARFO), Dawn Greetham (Clerk) and three parishioners.

2. Apologies for absence: PCSO Julie McFaul, Peter O’Grady, Alan Baldwin, Alison Baldwin.

3. Notices of Interest: None.

4. Minutes for approval (meet ing 7th October): Amendment made to Precept figure should read £ T he minutes were then unanimously approved and sign ed.

5. Matters arising from those minutes not covered elsewhere in the meeting:

I. Village Hall windows: Application for building con sent has been displayed awaiting approval. Judith and Glenn will commence applications for funding; An application for Lottery funding is being placed.

6. Reports:

I. Police: 5.10.19 Concern for safety on Ridge View all in order. 18.10.19 Theft of lead t aken from a bay window on the High Street. 18.10.19 23.33 Suspicious white van Willingham Road police attended and all in order. 19.10.19 10.45 Hare coursing in a field outside the village towards Willingham by Stow. The Meeting asked if people could be vigilant in the village and report suspicious behavior.

II. Finance: Grass cutting £ The proposed increase in the precept for year 2020/21 has been displayed and no objections have been raised. It was proposed by Glenn and seconded by Martin that the precept for the year 2020/21 will be submitted for £

III. Village Hall: PAT tests have been carried out and all appliances have passed except the dishwasher. It was proposed by Margaret and seconded by Glenn that a new dishwasher be bought wit h a budget of £ Screwfix have yet to make contact regarding funding for a new boiler. Thanks were expressed to Alan, Alison, Martin and Peter for repairing the curtain rails and putting up the curtains.

IV. Playground: Regular playground inspections have been carried out.

7. Correspondence: Invoice received for grass cutting. Planning application amendment for property on land adjacent to Goldsmithy’s.

8. Parish/District/county matters: Fillingham currently has fibre broadband to the cabinet ( in the village. At present there are no plans for any further upgrades to provide fibre to premises ( which would be significantly faster A “Community Fibre Partnership” may be a route to take this next step, depende nt upon the level of interest and the overall economics. It was agreed that the Parish Meeting will investigate this further following expression of general interest at the meeting.

9. Fillingham Christmas Trees have kindly offered to provide a Christmas tree for the village once again

10. Any other business: The drain cover on entry to Rectory Lea is damaged and needs re porting A “tap and go” facility will be available for payments at village events by 2020.

11. Date of next meeting and meetings for 2020: 2nd December 2019.


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