April 2020 Minutes
Monday 6th April 2020 at 7.30 Meeting held via Zoom to comply with Covid-19 restrictions
1. In Attendance: Margaret O’Grady (chair), Peter O’Grady (vice-Chair), Glenn Cargill (RFO), Vicky Cargill (ARFO), Dawn Greetham (clerk) and four parishioners.
2. Apologies for Absence: PCSO Julie McFaul, Judith Russell, Sarah Deacon.
3. Notices of Interest: None.
4. Minutes for Approval (2nd March): The minutes were unanimously approved and signed.
5. Matters Arising:
I. Village Hall windows: The Big Lottery grant has been paid into the account. There is a possibility of an extension to the time limit for spending the grant. The Lottery will review this time extension on a case by case basis. The dimensions of replacement windows acceptable to the council have been clarified and we are waiting now for a revised quotation from the supplier. Work on the kitchen door and window would need further details submitting to the council for permission.
6. Reports:
i. Police: PCSO Julie McFaul has said that there is nothing to report but hoped that the village are staying well and safe. Police patrols are being conducted.
ii. Finance: Glenn reported that £8 in petty cash was paid to M.O’Grady. The Nomad Trust has received the £72 donation from the Christmas Tree event. There are two direct debits for the boiler cover being paid, this is being queried and a refund has been requested.
iii. Village Hall Report: The boiler has now been repaired under the repair plan.
iv. Playground: Under current restrictions, the playground should not be used and there is no evidence to date that these restrictions have not been complied with. It was agreed that inspections should continue regarding health and safety fortnightly- as long as it was safely done.
7. Correspondence: No invoices have been received.
8. Parish/District/county matters:
Due to the current situation regarding Covid-19, there will be no Village Venture magazine in April. Minutes of meetings will be available on the website and on the village notice board. Margaret brought to the attention of the meeting a letter from Fillingham Parish Meeting which explains the guidelines issued regarding meetings being held under current restrictions. The Parish has received guidelines from LALC and agencies which may be accessed in the event of any parishioner being at risk.
i. The May meeting will be the AGM, which includes election of Parish Representatives. All current officers are prepared to continue in post. Margaret suggested that unless there were new potential candidates or a strong desire for change, then arrangements would be made for the re-election of Parish Representatives to be confirmed at the next meeting for either a full year, or until such time as the restrictions around Coronavirus are lifted. No objections were raised at the meeting.
ii. The exception to the above is Suzanne K as village hall booking clerk (who had already tendered her resignation). Sarah Deacon has offered to take on this role and will be elected at the AGM.
iii. The Financial Regulations have been updated and will be posted on the website prior to the meeting for perusal and any comments can be made via e mail.
9. Any other business:
- The church lottery will be carried out but under current restrictions. Sarah said that the church doors will remain closed until advised otherwise.
- The Great British Spring Clean has now been rescheduled for September.
- The “Sharp Deviation” signs have not been replaced.
- Vicky reported that training on the new web site has been postponed.
- One parishioner raised concerns about vulnerable adults during current restrictions and it was agreed that the telephone number for the food bank will be forwarded to the Fillingham Facebook page.
- The Springline Good Neighbours scheme is also available for those at risk.
10. Date of next meeting: Monday, 4th May 2020.