November 2020 Minutes
Monday, 2nd November 2020
Meeting held on-line to comply with covid-19 restrictions
1. In Attendance: Margaret O’Grady (Chair), Peter O’Grady (Vice-chair), Glenn Cargill (RFO), Vicky Cargill (ARFO), Dawn Greetham (clerk) and two parishioners.
2. Apologies for absence: PCSO Julie McFaul. Zoe Rampley, Judith Russell
3. Notices of Interest: None
4. Minutes of the last meeting (5th October): The minutes were approved unanimously and signed.
5. Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere in the meeting:
I. Village hall windows: Planning consent has been granted for the replacement of the hall windows, kitchen door and window and noticeboard. A quote from Eastfields to replace the kitchen door and window will be requested. This was proposed by Margaret and agreed unanimously. A contract and quality assurance plan for the works are in pro-gress, to be completed this week.
6. Reports:
I. Police: There have been six incidents. However, only three are of public interest: 16/10/20 Hare coursing on the B1398, Middle Street, Fillingham. 6/10/20 White van seen driving slowly, police attended. 26/10/20 A male attended two addresses on the High Street in Fillingham claiming to be an employee from Anglian Water. The male was wearing a tabard with a water drop motif. Police have asked for any further information.
I. Finance: A Zoom account has now been purchased at a cost of £78.40. Grass cutting invoice pad to the sum of £180 and a new defibrillator pad purchased for £82.80. It was proposed by Glenn and seconded by Ray that the precept for the year 2020/21 will be submitted for £4,783.00 in line with the 3-year plan.
II. Village Hall: The hall remains closed due to COVID-19 restrictions. New tables and chairs, a fridge and microwave have been donated and thanks were expressed. The security light at the back of the hall is faulty. Margaret will contact an electrician.
III. Playground: Regular checks are carried out and a small amount of rubbish has been removed.
IV. Update on legal/land registry/charity status: These are ongoing.
7. Correspondence: Invoices received as covered in the finance report.
8. Parish/District/county matters:
- The broken light on the High Street (reference 4152740) has been fixed, however, this has been questioned as the light is only taped up.
- Highways have at-tended to look at the footpath on the High Street to B1398 (reference 101000386575) and this remains ongoing.
- Planning application 141536 High Street has been granted for renovation and extension.
- The residents responsible for the overgrown hedge have been contacted.
- The new website is in the process of being built and thanks were expressed to Vicky and Peter as well as the volunteer who is developing the site, for their hard work.
- There will be meeting of the new trustees on 3rd November for the Parish Trust.
- There is a very good level of interest for the in-troduction of fibre broadband to the village and there will be a further meeting on 4th November to discuss further.
- It was proposed that the village Christmas tree be requested for 5th Decem-ber but there will be no Christmas tree lighting event. However, it was suggested that the top of the tree be decorated as usual, but the bottom be left for children and any others who would like to make their own decorations and add them to the tree.
- There was a discussion about ideas for Christmas, including the possibility of villagers being encouraged to decorate windows to create a Christmas-themed walk around the village, and possibly also a competition.
9. Any other business: None
10. Date of next meeting: Monday, 7th December.