December 2020 Minutes

Monday, 7th December 2020
Meeting held on-line to comply with covid-19 restrictions


1.    In Attendance:  Margaret O’Grady (Chair), Peter O’Grady (Vice-chair), Glenn Cargill (RFO), Dawn Greetham (Clerk) and five parishioners.

2.    Apologies for absence:  PCSO Julie McFaul, Vicky Cargill, Zoe Rampley and Sarah Deacon.

3.    Notices of Interest:  None

4.    Minutes of the last meeting (2nd November 2020):  The minutes were approved unanimous-ly and signed.

5.    Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere in the meeting:  
I.    Village Hall windows:  Currently awaiting Eastfields (contractors) and a meeting is scheduled for 8th December to finalise the replacement of the back door and kitchen window.  Building consent is required at a cost of £297.60.  This payment was proposed by Margaret and seconded by Judith.

6.    Reports:
I.    Police: There have been two incidents:  05/12/20 Two males seen on the building site on Rectory Lea.  Police attended with a police dog - no trace of anyone on site.  21/11/20 Suspicious vehicle parked in an entrance on B1398 Ingham - police attended, vehicle in order.

II.    Finance:  Various invoices have been paid to close some utility accounts in order to fa-cilitate new providers.  There was also an invoice for grass cutting and boiler cover.  Subject to approval from West Lindsey District Council, the precept for 2021/22 will be set at £4783, proposed by Glenn and seconded by Judith.

III.    Village Hall: The hall remains closed due to COVID-19 restrictions.  The Christmas tree is now in place and partially decorated with parishioners encouraged to decorate with handmade ornaments.

IV.    Playground:  Regular checks are carried out and a small amount of rubbish has been removed.

7.    Update on legal/land registry/charity status:  No update.

8.    Correspondence:  Invoices received:  West Lindsey and grass cutting.  PAT tests are overdue, Margaret to follow up. Firestop check is due in February.

9.    Parish/District/County matters:  The new website is running parallel to the old until Decem-ber.  Peter showed the meeting the contents of the new website and it was agreed that it is very informative.  Thanks were expressed to Vicky and Peter for their hard work.  Thanks were also expressed to Peter Langford who was instrumental in building the new website and it was agreed that a small gift should be bought to show the Parish’s gratitude for his hard work.  Par-ish Trust:  A separate trustees meeting will be scheduled regarding allocation of funds and a so-licitor has been contacted regarding the change of trustees.  Broadband update:  A separate meeting will be scheduled to discuss the proposed installation of fibre broadband.   Christmas proposal for the village:  some windows have been decorated and will be judged at a later date.

10.    Any other business: The broken window at the bus stop has now been replaced with a UPVC unit.  The comedy evening with Ian McMillan was postponed last year due to COVID-19 re-strictions and it was agreed that it be rescheduled for 16th June 2021.  A parishioner informed the parish that the electricity poles to the new build may be underground. The meeting was made aware that it is now the hare coursing season.  Any activity should be reported.

11.    Proposed dates for 2021:  

There will not be a meeting in January 2021.

1st February, 1st March, 12th April, 10th May, 7th June, 5th July, 6th September, 4th October, 1st November, 6th December.