December 2024 Minutes

2 December 2024

Present: Margaret O’Grady (Chair), Judith Russell (Clerk), 
In Attendance: Cllr Patterson and five parishioners
Apologies:  Cllr Buitroid, Peter O’Grady (Vice Chair), Glenn Cargill RFO and two parishioners

The Chair welcomed people to the meeting and took apologies.
None Reported
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as a correct record. 
Drainage and Floods – The required action is in progress, dates for the work as yet unknown.  
Playground – The annual inspection has now taken place and there are no urgent issues. Action will need to be taken on the growth of green algae and advice will be sought on how to best manage this. The edge of the rubber mat around the roundabout will be monitored.
Bus stop at the Heritage Centre – No further information received
Finance Report
In the absence of Glenn (RFO) the chair reported that finances remain good. The walls along Willingham Road and at the end of Rectory Lea have been repaired and payment made. Final grass cutting on the village green as been paid for and the playground inspection invoice has been paid.
No correspondence has been received during the last period.
7a. Parish Matters.
The estimate form for the Precept for 2025-26 was returned to West Lindsey District Council, no comment has been received. The proposed Precept for £6,302 (5% uplift) was discussed and was put to the meeting. It was proposed by Terry Jois and seconded by Dawn Greetham and passed unanimously.
7b District Matters
Solar Representations – The Chair reported that there is a meeting planned at Glentworth village hall on 11 December at 7.00pm. Villagers are being encouraged to show support for this meeting to demonstrate the strong level of objection as Panorama (TV) will be there. Cllr Patterson reported that West Lindsey DC are strongly objecting to the further approval of schemes on the basis of cumulative loss of productive farmland and the known danger posed by batteries that can cause fire.
Planning issues – Cllr Patterson shared the information that the Government are aiming to pass laws that reduce the power and scope of the local planning process and give more power centrally to the Government. If this goes ahead it will decimate any local control on planned new developments. 
Scampton – Cllr Patterson also confirmed that the bidding process for the site had been re-opened although there is only one bidder. First refusal for the purchase of the site must go to the local authority, in this case, West Lindsey District Council, provided they have a plan for the future of the site. WLDC will therefore be bidding for the RAF station and are likely to sell it on.
Other – WLDC are recruiting for two warden posts to patrol area where fly tipping is rife. They are also introducing QR codes for waste bins.
County Matters – No report available
Fillingham Trees have once again donated a Christmas tree for the village. They also saved the day by donating a set of lights when it was found that the previous set of lights no longer worked. Thanks were recorded for their support. 
The village Carol Service will take place in the Church on December 21 at 4.00pm
DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Monday 3 February at 7.30.