March 2022 Minutes


Monday 7th March 2022

1.    In Attendance:  Margaret O’Grady (Chair), Peter O’Grady (Vice-chair), Glenn Cargill (RFO), Cllr Roger Patterson and 7 further parishioners.
2.    Apologies for absence:  PCSO Julie McFaul, Dawn Greetham, Judith Russel, Allison Baldwin
3.    Notices of Interest:  None

4.    Minutes of the last meeting (7th February 2022):  As a point of clarification, it was confirmed that when the Parish meeting does not have any comments on a planning application, then no repose is formally given to that effect.
5.    Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere in the meeting:  None

6.    Reports:
I.    Police:  Hare Coursing warning sign has been replaced. No other items to report.
II.    Finance:  No expenditure for the Parish Meeting for February. For the Village Hall,  £18.80 received from the Coffee Morning. Expenditure £240 plaster, £35 Firestop Services, £88 Gas / Electric. Financial Plan & budget is to be reviewed and updated over the coming meetings. Current version to be circulated for comment. Agreement to include cutting of the grass in St. Andrews Church. Separate account to be set up for the Beer Club. Separate Hall Hire amount received by St Andrews Church in error, awaiting correction.
III.    Village Hall report: Playground inspections carried out, no findings. QR code will no longer need to be displayed in the VH, in line with new guidelines.

7.    Correspondence:
LCC Highways – Temporary closure of High Street to enable footpath repairs for the week commencing 7th March to 11th March. Access remains open in early mornings and evenings. Work now in progress after a series of complaints. Further work commencing 14th March to footpath to the lake.
Village Venture letter received requesting funding support following recent significant cost in-creases. Not wishing to price out small business advertisers, the suggestion was for Parishes to make a suggested donation of £220 per annum to facilitate the publication of minutes. In the discussion it was suggested to enquire what options may be available, e.g. a reduced contribu-tion given the small village population, and feed back into the budget discussion.

8.    Parish/District/county matters: 
I.    Notice from Clerk. Advance notice that the Dawn Greetham is standing from the position of Clerk and will not be seeking reappointment in May’s AGM. Volunteers welcome.
II.    Parish Trust Update. Nothing to report.
III.    Broadband Update. Contradictory correspondence received, one indicating an encouraging price for the upgrade project, and another indicating that the price remains subject to a site survey which has yet to be carried out. Ongoing.
IV.    Bench in memory of Mrs Slater, thefamily is to be contacted.
V.    Solar Farm. Consultation on the scoping report submitted and acknowledgement received. Correspondence sent to surrounding Parishes enquiring as to their views.
VI.    Jubilee Celebrations – Platinum Jubilee Community Fund has approved grant funding of £700 for an event. Separate Jubilee group to meet on 29th March 7:30 to discuss possible ideas.
9.    Any other business:  
I.    Next Event – Easter, 15th April

10.    Date of next meeting:  Monday 4th April 2022