April 2022 Minutes


Monday 4th April 2022

1.    In Attendance:  Margaret O’Grady (Chair), Peter O’Grady (Vice-chair), Cllr Roger Patterson and 6 further parishioners.
2.    Apologies for absence:  Glenn Cargill (RFO) Vicky Cargill, PCSO Julie McFaul, Dawn Greetham.
3.    Notices of Interest:  None
4.    Minutes of the last meeting (7th March 2022):  Proposed and seconded by Parishioners who attended the last meeting.
5.    Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere in the meeting:  None

6.    Reports:
I.    Police:  PCSO Julie has been contacted regarding repeated anti-social behaviour. 
II.    Finance:  No expenditure for the Parish Meeting for March, unspent petty cash of £36.11 has been returned to the account, for end of year reconciliation. For the Village Hall, £26.85 received from the Coffee Mornings. Expenditure £88 Gas / Electric. Financial Plan & budg-et is to be reviewed and updated over the coming meetings. Separate Hall Hire amount re-ceived by St Andrews Church in error, awaiting correction.
III.    Village Hall report: Playground inspections carried out, no findings. 

7.    Correspondence:
LCC Highways – e-mail sent requesting date for the completion of the footpath repairs on High Street – now awaiting slurry seal repairs for the remainder of the footpath. Awaiting response.
Village Venture (VV) 12/03/22 - email received in response to questions raised: restating that the £220 has been decided upon considering the rising costs of producing the VV. It is the intention of the VV to endevour to include adverts for ‘Community Fundraising Events’ at little or no cost to advertisers.  After discussion it was agreed that due to our budgetary constraints, at the mo-ment, we would not publish our minutes in the VV, establish who reads the minutes in the VV, and reviewed in six months. The minutes will be e-mailed to all who would like them, they are available on the website and in the village hall notice board.  Compliance regarding publication is to be checked.

8.    Parish/District/county matters: 
I.    Notice from Clerk. Advance notice that the Dawn Greetham is standing down from the posi-tion of Clerk and will not be seeking reappointment in May’s AGM. Volunteers welcome.
II.    Parish Trust Update. Nothing to report.
III.    Broadband Update. Updated price received from Openreach; scheme now feasible and proceeds to the next stage. Openreach apply for the Government funding for our scheme and those interested will be able to formally register their willingness to proceed. Given ap-provals and installation work, the estimated completion is end of 2023 (service go-live).
IV.    Solar Farm. Members of the Parish Meeting and parishioners attended a meeting at Upton, hosted by Sir Edward Leigh MP, to discuss to solar farm. A follow up meeting is to be at-tended by M and P O’Grady. Responses to our enquiries have been received from Upton and Willingham Parish Councils, to enable a response to the developments. 
V.    Jubilee Celebrations – celebrations were discussed at the meeting in light of the recent planning meeting being poorly attended. One point that was raised was the number of peo-ple who are away through the week and not available on the Thursday or Friday (at least 5 families who typically would help with events are away) but are available on the Saturday and Sunday. With few details to date, from the discussions it was proposed that the event be held as follows:
-    Event to run on Sunday 5th June (2pm – 5pm), to include games, events (similar style to Vil-lage Fete); Food – e.g. externally provided catering platter, or hog roast etc. Competitions – e.g. crown decorations, cake baking, Suggestion - Royal Scarecrows trail in gardens around the village
Further meeting to be held on  Monday 11th April 7.30pm to agree exactly what we want the event to be and put a plan into action.

9.    Any other business:  In view of the time nothing further discussed at the meeting

10.    Date of next meeting: AGM Monday 9th May 2022