November 2023

6 November 2023
Present: Margaret O’Grady (Chair), Peter O’Grady (Vice Chair), Glenn Cargill (RFO), Judith Russell (Clerk),
In Attendance: Nine Parishioners, Cllr Butroid.
Apologies:  None

The Chair welcomed people to the meeting and took apologies.

None Reported

The minutes of the last meeting were approved as a correct record. 

Village Hall windows –Some have already been repaired but additional panes have had to be ordered to complete the work. This work is ongoing.
Street Lights – Street light 006 has been repaired.
Dog Bins - Dog bin by the lake Ref RFB-551961390 reported on 3 October, emptied 26 October. Dog poo letter sent to every house in the village, requesting people pick up their dogs’ waste from the footpaths, roads and walkways around the village.

5a. Finance Report
Glenn (RFO) reported the following:
Expenditure- Playground annual inspection £158.40 Utilities: EDF Energy £120.00 Total £278.40
Income – Coffee morning 26.40 and Apple Day £178. Total £405.10.
Parish precept – The setting of the village precept was discussed. It was explained that the precept raised by the Parish goes towards the grass cutting, the village hall, insurance for the village hall, Parish Meeting and the playground etc. It was proposed by Glenn that we request a 3% increase (Inflation is 8%) at a total of £6,001. This was seconded by Al and unanimously agreed. The Precept estimate will be sent to WLDC, with the final documentation being signed off at the December meeting and submitted to WLDC.

Planning Application – Planning application 147189 reviewed at the last meeting has now been withdrawn.

7a. Parish Matters.
Village Hall – The music licence is in place and will expire 08/24. The annual 5-year electrical inspection has taken place and failed ref an RDC in the junction box. This with a change in regulation means that the box needs replacing with a metal box at a cost of £500 approx.
Flooding – The flooding on high street caused by recent storms was discussed. Thanks were expressed to Rose Farms and the individual villagers for their efforts in minimising the impact with sandbags and keeping 3 homes safe. The issues contributing to the flood were discussed and the following likely contributory causes were discussed:
•    Lack of maintenance of the dykes
•    A blockage around the manhole cover on Willingham Road
Action taken after the event included:
•    A letter to LCC requesting that the drains be blasted out and the pipework be upgraded to cope with increasingly higher volumes of water in winter storms and a detailed map of the drainage systems.
•    A letter to Anglian Water along with photos, asking for a CCTV camera survey ref issues of sewage going into the lake and also asking for more detailed maps of the drainage system. (reference 63312037)
Cllr Butroid agreed to mention the issues at a forthcoming meeting with LCC Highways. A parishioner also confirmed that he had some plans available.
Future action on the Drains – It was discussed and agreed that a formal walkabout with photos be undertaken in annually, recording any remedial action to be done. Checking the responsibility of land ownership, as previous letters have been ignored. All matters to be reported to the Parish Meeting and a record made and reporting these to the relevant authority. If remedial action is not taken, then the Drainage Board can be contacted as they can enforce the action required. This action to be undertaken in May to give ample time for the drains to be cleared by the winter months.
Footpath -Footpath as enter village from the top road has green algae growing and is a slip hazard which needs attention.
Annual Playground Inspection – Matting under the swing needs replacing and edging on the roundabout has begun to deteriorate. Weekly inspections continue throughout the year.
Solar Relevant Representations – Dates Wed 8 November at the Hilton Hotel. Attendees can register to speak to the meeting as they arrive. Margaret O’Grady will attend in the afternoon and evening and Peter O’Grady in the evening, then on Thursday 9 Nov.  Each scheme hearing is being held independently and are open meetings.
Parish Trust Update - This is still with the Land Registry.
Broadband - The new properties were not on the original list. LCC have a broadband officer and Cllr Butroid will take up any issues raised by parishioners about the new properties with the officer.
Local nature recovery strategy – There is a survey being undertaken regarding local nature to inform recovery strategy, this is open for all to participate in

Street Light- no 4 High Street reported as faulting ref: 473860 on 13/10/23.

7b District Matters
Scampton – Judicial Review went well from WLDC point of view. The Home Office will bypass local planning permission for the year up to the end of April 2024, but could subsequently apply for a 3-year exemption. As this is Crown Land, they do have the right to bypass planning. The High Court ruling is awaited. Questions about infrastructure were raised but there are questions around the redevelopment programme and the LCC Economic development plan that cannot be answered due to the Judicial Review.

8.    AOB
Remembrance Poppies: Thanks were expressed to Mr N. Hall for once again placing Remembrance Poppies around the village.
The enclosing of the land on Rectory Lea was welcomed it was reported that as yet no planning permission is pending.
The Christmas tree for the Village Green has been requested. The Christmas event is on 2 December from 3.00pm onward and light will be turned on at 4.00 with Carols round the Christmas tree.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING - The next Parish meeting will be on Monday 4 December at 7.30pm