December 2024

4 December 2023
Present: Margaret O’Grady (Chair), Peter O’Grady (Vice Chair), Cllr R Patterson. 
In Attendance: Five Parishioners
Apologies:  Glenn Cargill (RFO), P Hepburn.

The Chair welcomed people to the meeting and took apologies.
None Reported
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as a correct record. 
Village Hall windows – Still awaiting new panes of glass.
Drainage/Flooding – M. O’Grady, A Suttclffe and Cllr Butroid met with a representative from LCC Highways department on 9/11/23. The Highways officer was shown all the main problem areas, potholes, drains etc down the High Street and Willingham Road and an explanation of where the water was fed through the system was given. We also took him to the lake to see where all the drains were dispensed. We then walked up the High Street to show him the dyke and how overgrown and unmaintained it was, also whilst up there the drains on the opposite side of the road which go under the pavement were discussed with the intention of an investigation into where these actually went. 
The highways officer has stated the main drainage system needs to be blasted through not just in the village but extended out to cover a bigger area and investigated to find out where exactly the pipe work runs, as the village is of such an age that the drainage plans that the council possesses may not be accurate to sort out our problems, so this needs to be done to understand what highways are actually responsible for and who is responsible for areas that are not covered by the council remit. Once this is done a plan for action needed can be undertaken so the work can be done to remedy the problems in the village. No written feedback yet from Highways. But there will be budgetary implications on this.

Further letter has been sent to Anglian Water requesting that the infrastructure for the village be reviewed and any of their pipework be cleared. No written feedback yet.

M. O’Grady and A. Sutcliffe have cleared the channels into the dyke on the High Street and removed mud, silt and rubbish from the gutters to help with the water flow.

Playground maintenance costings- Still awaiting quotes for the repair of the matting under the swing, but new caps for the clamber stack have been obtained at no cost.

Annual five-year electrical inspection – to the village hall has now been passed with the fitting of a new RCD along with consumer unit in line with updated fire regulations.

I.    Finance Report
In his absence Glenn (RFO) sent a report:
Expenditure for Village Hall – Electric check and other electrical work £170. Replacement of consumer unit £500. Utilities: EDF Energy £241. Music licence £162.30. Hiring £19. 
Money has been moved to a higher interest account for the Village Hall as agreed previously.
Parish precept – A precept of £6001 for the 2024-25 financial year, in line with the November Meeting, was proposed by MOG, seconded by T. Jois and approved unanimously. The Final Precept claim with be completed and returned to WLDC before the deadline of 29 January 2024.
II.    Village Hall.
Report that there is still dog fowling happening on the green and along the path through the park, despite notices sent to all households.

None brought to the meeting.

7a. Parish Matters.
I.    Solar Relevant Representations – Cottam Hearings are starting w/c 4 December. Open hearing is on 7 December. Attendees can register to speak to the meeting as they arrive. Margaret O’Grady and Peter O’Grady will be attending the meetings to represent Fillingham Parish Meeting. Details of the meeting are on the Cottam National Infrastructure web page.
II.    Fly tipping reported to West Lindsey District Council. reference number is: FT_563996025 – Willingham Road – The rubbish was removed within a few days of reporting.
III.    WLDC has been approached to send a road sweeper, in order to clear the footpaths and the gutters on the High Street as there has been a build up of mud, leaves and debris from harvest. 
IV.    Parish Trust Update - This is still with the Land Registry.
V.    Broadband - LCC broadband officer has been approached with regard to connection issues faced by new properties for fibre broadband, awaiting response. Open Reach to be contacted regarding status of vouchers, new homes and a connection for the village hall.
VI.    The Fillingham Christmas Tree is in place on the green and the event raised £50 for a local charity. The meeting agreed this should go to Lincoln Food Bank.

7b District Matters
Scampton – Judicial Review outcome is expected shortly. 
A cinema is being built in Gainsborough, expected in 2024.
8.    AOB
Concerns were raised by a resident regarding examples of antisocial behaviour in the village. Residents are asked that if they witness any actions of antisocial behaviour or any concerns to report these incidents to the police using either the 101 number or visit the Lincolnshire Police website at – for non-emergency situations or 999 in an emergency. During the discussion, it was suggested that the streetlight in the park could be left on. Contact made with LCC to this effect.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING - The next Parish meeting will be on Monday 5 February 2024 at 7.30pm